Today, May 5, 2020, GCI encourages you to participate in GivingTuesdayNow, a world-wide day of unity and giving during the current health crisis.
We ask all members of the GCI community to support their local essential workers and those most impacted by COVID-19. Act "glocally" (thinking globally while acting locally), as GCI Fellows do when they develop their Glocal Service Projects that aim to tackle global issues where they live or go to school.
Consider making a financial contribution where it is needed most. Supporting your local businesses, whenever possible. Volunteering virtually or while maintaining social distance. Writing thank you cards or signs that will boost spirits. Joining a global movement of compassion and kindness, because we are all in this together.
Please share your GivingTuesdayNow experiences and inspirations on social media and if you tag #GCIGivesTogether we will be able to like and comment as well!
We hope that you are staying safe and healthy and we thank you for being a part of the global GCI community.
Yumi Kuwana and the GCI Team