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Introducing the GCI LEAD Challenge 2021 Faculty and Speakers

Writer: GCIGCI

We are honored to share our Faculty and Speakers who will join us to add color and depth to our upcoming GCI LEAD Challenge 2021!

In less than a week, 36 exceptional secondary school students will join GCI for the first GCI LEAD Challenge, a virtual 6-day program that focuses on Leadership, Ethics, Advocacy, and Design Thinking. This innovative addition to GCI's programming is spearheaded by top educators and advocates who will help participants build key leadership skills and explore thought-provoking ideas, while encouraging them to take their learning beyond the classroom.

Faculty from Phillips Exeter Academy will facilitate Harkness®* academic sessions, a core component from GCI's flagship program, the Summit. Our faculty member from Robert College will lead students to develop a collaborative group project and create an advocacy campaign around a chosen non-profit organization. Throughout the week, each day’s discussions and activities will be complemented by speakers who motivate, create space for reflection, compel action and stimulate creative ideas.

Continue reading to learn more about each GCI LEAD Challenge 2021 Faculty member and Speaker.


Dr. Eimer Page

GCI Head Faculty

Director of Global Initiatives

Instructor in English

Phillips Exeter Academy

Born in Ireland, Eimer Page was educated at Trinity College Dublin and Queen’s University Belfast. She holds a PhD in English Literature from TCD, and was awarded a Fulbright fellowship at Harvard University for her graduate studies. She has taught English at Phillips Exeter Academy since 2004, and was

appointed as Director of Global Initiatives in 2012, designing and implementing multiple global travel programs on five continents annually. She teaches across the grade range, and has designed senior electives in Utopias and Dystopias and Creative Non-Fiction. She has mentored four colleagues in the English department and is involved in new faculty and new trustee orientations and training. She was the recipient of the George S. Heyer Teaching Award, the Ryberg Teaching Award and the Dormitory Adviser Award. Among other committee memberships, she serves on the steering committee for the Center for Teaching and Learning. Dr. Page is a regular contributor to the Times Educational Supplement in both print and online publications, and has spoken at numerous conferences on teaching and learning.

Jason BreMiller

GCI Faculty

Instructor in English

Phillips Exeter Academy

Jason BreMiller teaches English and serves as the Sustainability Coordinator at Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire. He is also the Founder and Director of the Environmental Literature Center, an interdisciplinary professional development opportunity for environmental educators. Mr. BreMiller is a certified NOLS instructor (National Outdoor Leadership School), serves on the Board of Directors for Northwoods Stewardship Center and his nonfiction essays have appeared in NAIS, The Leader, and (forthcoming).

Kadeine Peterson, MS

GCI Faculty

Instructor in Science

Phillips Exeter Academy

Kadeine M. Peterson, MS, transitioned from a career as a research scientist to teach biology and independent science research at The Packer Collegiate Institute (Brooklyn, NY) and the Hotchkiss School (Lakeville, CT) prior to starting her tenure at Phillips Exeter Academy in 2018. At PEA, she is faculty head of the Students Of Caribbean Ancestry (SOCA), a co-advisor of the biology club and, one of the heads of the Martin Luther King Jr. - Day Of Celebration Committee. A native of Jamaica, Mrs. Peterson draws from her intersectional reality as an immigrant and Woman of Color to effectively weave issues dealing with bioethics and social justice into her biology lessons.

Aybike Oğuz

GCI Faculty

Head of Social Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Creativity

Robert College of Istanbul

Aybike Oğuz received her BA in Teaching English as a Second Language at İstanbul University, and her MA in Management in Education at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. After working at Bilkent University and Özyeğin University in middle and senior management positions and curriculum development, she discovered social entrepreneurship in a small village in South East Turkey. This inspired her to teach English and start up the first social entrepreneurship club at high school level at Robert College. She is currently teaching well-being, creative writing, and social entrepreneurship as well as working as the Head of Social Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Creativity at Robert College. She has been designing and giving workshops on social entrepreneurship and design thinking in different youth programs in Turkey and abroad. During the gap year she took in the middle of her career, she co-authored a guidebook with Ashoka Turkey to empower university students to start social entrepreneurial

movements on their university campuses. She shared her insights into a gap year in a TEDx Talk entitled ‘What if I leave it all behind?'.

Eugene Korsunskiy

GCI Inspirational Speaker: Design Thinking

Professor of Design Thinking

Dartmouth College

Eugene Korsunskiy teaches design thinking at Dartmouth College. Prior to arriving at Dartmouth, he has taught at Stanford University and co-founded SparkTruck, a delivery van turned into a classroom-on-wheels, which he drove around the USA with shop tools and art supplies, helping elementary and middle school kids become innovative problem-solvers and develop their creative confidence. Eugene has received a Fast Company Innovation by Design Award and has been a speaker at several TEDx events and the Aspen Ideas Festival. He holds an MFA in Design from Stanford University and a BA in Art & Art History from Williams College.

Drew Beiter

GCI Inspirational Speaker: Advocacy

Executive Director and Co-Founder

The Human Rights Academy

Andrew (Drew) Beiter is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Academy for Human Rights and an 8th grade Social Studies teacher at Springville Middle School. Graduating with a M.A. in Education from SUNY Fredonia and a B.A. in Political Philosophy from Michigan State University, Drew is a Regional Education Coordinator for the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, a Teacher Fellow for the Lowell Milken Center, and a consultant for the Robert F. Kennedy Center’s Speak Truth to Power program. He also cofounded the Educators’ Institute for Human Rights, an organization designed to provide human rights professional development training to teachers in Rwanda, Cambodia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina. He has also played a lead role creating the program, as well as the website. In September 2020, he was selected into the National Teachers Hall of Fame.

Lynn Barendsen

GCI Inspirational Speaker: Ethics

Project Director

The Good Project

Lynn Barendsen is a Project Director at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. For over two decades she has been a part of the Good Project, housed at Project Zero. The Good Project is a large-scale effort to identify individuals and institutions that exemplify good work - work that is excellent in quality, socially responsible, and meaningful to its practitioners - and to determine how best to increase the incidence of good work in our society. Lynn and colleagues are working to envision and ensure the legacy of 20 plus years of work: its impact on educational research, its impact in the classroom and its part in a broader conversation about good workers, good citizens and good people. With Good Project colleagues, she has developed webinars and curricula to facilitate the teaching of key Good Work-related concepts such as responsibility and alignment and to support individuals to consider their values and beliefs in work and beyond.

Professor. Joshua Margolis

GCI Inspirational Speaker: Leadership

James Dinan and Elizabeth Miller Professor of Business Administration

Unit Head, Organizational Behavior Unit

Chair, Program for Leadership Development

Harvard Business School

Joshua Margolis is James Dinan and Elizabeth Miller Professor of Business Administration and the Unit Head for the Organizational Behavior unit at Harvard Business School. He is also Faculty Chair of the Program for Leadership Development and Faculty Chair of the Christensen Center for Teaching and Learning. His research and teaching revolve around leadership and ethics. He has taught courses on Leadership and Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Corporate Accountability, Authentic Leadership Development, and Field Immersion Experiences for Leadership Development (FIELD).

Professor Margolis has published his work in Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Business Ethics Quarterly, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes; and along with James P. Walsh, he authored the book, People and Profits: the Search for a Link between a Company’s Social and Financial Performance.

Professor Margolis is currently engaged in research on how companies and individuals defy countervailing forces to make a significant impact and how professionals in a variety of settings navigate moral adversity and address ethical challenges with a combination of ingenuity and integrity. Professor Margolis received his B.A. from Yale University and his A.M. (Sociology) and Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from Harvard University, where he was also a Fellow in the Program in Ethics and the Professions. Joshua joined the HBS faculty in 2000 after three years on the faculty at the University of Michigan as a Fellow in the Society of Scholars.

Alexandra Wilson

GCI Inspirational Speaker


5 St. Andrew’s Hill


Black Women In Law


One Case At A Time

Alexandra is a 26 year old barrister, author and campaigner. She’s dynamic, articulate and driven. She first came into the public eye when she was mistaken for a defendant three times on the same day in court. She has made it her mission to challenge discrimination in the courtroom. Alexandra has been interviewed on BBC News, ITV news, Good Morning Britain and Women’s Hour, and has also been profiled in The New York Times and the Independent.

She is proudly from Essex. Her paternal grandparents were born in Jamaica and came to England as part of the Windrush generation. Alexandra’s widely praised debut book “In Black and White: A Young Barrister’s Story of Race and Class in a Broken Justice System”, sets out her journey from Essex to the Bar, and portrays a justice system in which a disproportionately large number of Black people are charged, convicted and sent to prison.

She studied Politics, Philosophy and Economics at the University of Oxford and was awarded two prestigious scholarships. Alexandra studied for a Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) and her Master of Laws at BPP University in London. She was awarded the first Queen’s scholarship by the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple, awarded to students showing exceptional promise in a career at the Bar.

Alexandra is the founder of Black Women In Law, an organisation with over 500 members. She also co-founded One Case At A Time, an organisation which facilitates legal funding and representation in cases of injustice for Black people in the UK.


Thank you for your continued support. We are so excited to share more of the GCI LEAD Challenge 2021 and the incredible roster of Faculty and Speakers who have made it possible.

*Harkness® is a registered trademark of Phillips Exeter Academy.



Global Citizens Initiative, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in Connecticut, United States. We empower young global citizens from all sectors of society to be lifelong leaders of positive change. EIN 46-1850022.


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