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Applications are now open for GCI's 2022 programming!

Writer: GCIGCI

We are thrilled to announce that the application for the GCI Fellowship 2022, launching with the 9-day GCI Summit at the University of St Andrews in Scotland from July 23 - July 31, 2022 is now open! The deadline to apply for eligible secondary school students is Monday, January 31, 2022. We encourage all interested students to start their application as soon as possible.

We are also pleased to be accepting applications for the GCI Seminar for Educators taking place concurrently with the Summit at the University of St Andrews in Scotland from July 26 - July 31, 2022! The deadline to apply for the Seminar is Friday, March 18, 2022. Admissions notifications will be sent on a rolling basis, so all interested secondary school teachers and administrators are encouraged to submit their application before the deadline.

GCI's programs could not happen without your support! Thank you for continuing to be part of our global community. We hope you will spread the word that applications are now open!


What is the GCI Fellowship and who can apply?:

The GCI Fellowship (launching at the Summit July 23 – July 31, 2022) seeks students with global leadership potential who are eager to participate in group discussions and want to make a difference in the world. The Summit, the flagship program, convenes secondary school students from across the globe in an intensive, nine-day experience they often describe as life-changing. Partnered with mentors, students then complete a 10-month Fellowship to develop local service projects that address the Sustainable Development Goals. Since 2014, GCI has hosted 160 students from 70 countries ⎯ including Afghanistan, Colombia, Egypt, Germany, Iran, Japan, United States, Zimbabwe ⎯ whose local service projects have positively impacted communities worldwide.

If you missed our informational webinar on November 6, we encourage you to watch to learn more about the program and application process, as well as to hear from our amazing alumni panelists who answered audience questions!

Eligibility for the Fellowship:

current freshmen, sophomores or juniors in secondary school who will be 16-19 years old by July 23, 2022

committed to participating in the 10-month Fellowship in its entirety, including the in-person Summit in Scotland (July 23 – 31, 2022)

interested in developing leadership, communication and problem-solving skills

passionate about making a difference in their local community

excited to make friends from across the globe

Application Deadline: Monday, January 31, 2022 at 11:59pm ET. We encourage students to begin the application as early as possible, to give themselves, their parent(s)/guardian(s) and 2 recommenders enough time to work on the application’s various components.


What is the GCI Seminar and who can apply?:

The GCI Seminar for Educators (July 26 – July 31, 2022) trains international and US educators in the GCI Method through a six-day professional development opportunity that empowers them to bring the core components of global citizenship, discussion-based learning and design thinking into their classrooms. The Seminar's unique program not only exposes participants to an ethics-based leadership curriculum, but also to peers from around the globe. Since 2018, past participants have included educators from Brazil, Egypt, Japan, Jordan, Somaliland, South Africa and the United States, and more. During the program, participants will also engage with and observe secondary school students who are participating in the GCI Summit.

Eligibility for the Seminar:

current secondary school teachers and administrators

committed to participating in the six-day residential Seminar in its entirety in Scotland (July 26 – 31, 2022) and completing pre- and post-program assessments and activities

aspiring to include discussion-based learning, design thinking and human connectivity in their classroom, while instilling global competence in their students

interested in preparing their students for leadership roles and initiating positive change in their communities

excited to make friends and meet colleagues from around the world

Application Deadline: Friday, March 18, 2022 at 11:59pm ET, admissions notifications will be sent on a rolling basis so we encourage applicants not to wait until the deadline to submit their application.


The application for GCI Mentors—professionals from any field who are eager to empower the next generation of global leaders—is also now available. If you or someone you know would like the chance to be a critical part of a student's experience during the Fellowship 2022 by providing guidance and support throughout the nine months following the in-person Summit, we encourage you to apply!



Global Citizens Initiative, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in Connecticut, United States. We empower young global citizens from all sectors of society to be lifelong leaders of positive change. EIN 46-1850022.


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